Hi All,

Happy Fourth of July!! We are extending the Fourth of July festivities, in Nahant,to Saturday July 8th when the fireworks go off!! Fourth of July is always fun and a great time to see family and old friends and enjoy the summer! It is also a time to be grateful for the freedoms we continue to have in this country.
So let Freedom Ring!

We start the month with attending the Friday breakfast at the Nahant Village Church. Also that day we will be welcoming back, Ruby Murphy, from Congressman Seth Moulton’s office to speak after lunch. She’s interested in answering any questions you might have.

We have a new podiatrist starting this month. He will be here on the 12th of July. He has very few slots left for appointments, so please call the main number and see what is available.

Creative Art with Erica continues on the 17th after lunch. Please sign up. We also will be on a road trip back to Essex, later in the month. First for lunch and then to go on a cruise up the Essex River. Please call for details.

The hills are alive with the Sound of Music at the North Shore Music Theater on Sunday July 23rd. Seats are limited. We will go to lunch first and then head to the theater. Please call the center for information.
And finally, we will go on a mystery ride after lunch on July 26th. The destination will put a smile on your face for sure.

So Happy Fourth and Happy Summer!

Stay safe,

July 2023 Director’s Message

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