Hi Everyone,

Happy February!

We enter a busy month of themes and things to celebrate! We have Black History month; Valentine’s Day and President’s Day! Did you know February is also Random Acts of Kindness Month? We should all be doing random acts of kindness everyday, but this month in particular gives us an opportunity to secretly select a friend; neighbor; relative and even a stranger and give them something kind to help them get through a day! It will make them feel good and you as well. So please take the time to spread some kindness in this pandemic weary world we live in.

The Senior Center continues to come back to life after slowing down for
a couple of weeks. Many thanks to Ann Callahan and her volunteers in helping deliver lunches to folks during January! It was a huge help! Thank you again to all who helped!!

In February we will continue with our exercise classes; Monday manicures (every other Mondays) and the rescheduled Painting Class will take place (please remember to call us and sign up). We also will continue to meet with the foot doctor. I hope as COVID begins to lift, we will be able to expand our schedule to include weekly shopping to Market Basket and other events to come. I need you to help me plan more activities as the weather gets warmer. Please tell me your thoughts and ideas and we will see what we can do to make it happen!! I am planning to meet with each of you individually to update your contact information and any other information you wish to provide. As the new director it gives me the opportunity to get to know you a little more and it makes our information current in case of emergency.

And on that note: Let’s have a good February! Spring is almost here!! Stay well and stay safe!!

Be kind to each other ,


From The Director

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